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Government Services

As a small business, with a current SAM registration, listing all applicable NAICS codes, there are three core areas that we offer to government agencies, of all levels.

Equipment Leasing

Equipment Leasing; under this service we can acquire any type of equipment that an end user desires and design a contract that fits the needs of the agency. There is no limit to the type of equipment and the end of lease options can include; purchase for $1, purchase for a percentage of the acquisition cost, extend the lease at a new monthly payment for a sufficient period until new replacement equipment arrives or to return it. Contracts with terms and conditions will be designed to meet with the regulatory requirements of the acquiring agency.


Insurance; when the government uses assets such as aircraft, vehicles, ocean going vessels or acquires buildings and operates facilities, it faces all kinds of risks that may be best addressed with risk transference devices such as insurance instead of taking the self-insured route. We can take the position of a consultant or a broker/agent. In the consultant role, we measure the risks and make recommendations from an unbiased perspective. In the broker/agent role, we seek and introduce an insurance carrier that is best suited to accept the risk to be covered and to be there when the time comes to settle claims when the events occur that result in covered damages.

Energy Procurement

Energy Procurement; government agencies tend to be among the largest consumers of energy. Because of this, periodic contracting to seek new supply, at competitive prices occurs on a regular basis. As states move to de-regulate utility services, new markets that were once closed are now open and to the benefit of the consumer. Through our partner network, finding supply at competitive prices is accomplished. One caveat, a thorough review of historical consumption is required and this is best performed under a letter of authority allowing such a review to take place at the servicing utility level. Price changes of energy occur constantly throughout the day and transmission systems can be “leaky” and energy loss can occur. Energy supply will also coordinate with the existing transmission infrastructure. Part of the de-regulation separates the supply from the transmission and this increases the transparency that a consumer sees in the billing.

Get in touch for a free consultation.
